Arrhythmia Data Sonification
By Victor Mercola
My father, Mark Mercola, is a professor of medicine at Stanford University and the head of the Mercola Lab (as of writing this project). While talking with him about the classes I take at WPI, he mentioned how it would be interesting to use data sonification to educate and/or demonstrate the effectiveness of a new drug that he is working on. I agreed with his proposal and used the data he gave me for my final project in MU3620, Arrhythmia Data Sonification. Using GNU Octave, Ableton Live, and Sonic Pi, I was able to make "music" that would change according to an arrhythmic heartbeat.
Before working with music, there is some important preliminary background information to go over.
The standard heartbeat seen on electrocardiograms (ECG / EKG) and other heart monitors is comprised of five different sections, named the "P Wave", the "QRS Complex", and the "T Wave". The specific disease my father is working on is Long QT syndrome - as its name suggests, Long QT syndrome is a fatal, congenital cardiac rhythm disorder that where the length of the QT interval is longer than usual, causing arrhythmia patterns. My father is specifically working on Long QT type 3 (a.k.a. Long QT3 syndrome), which is caused by a problem regulating sodium ions in heart cells. He is currently working on a new drug to treat disease, currently named "Mex2A" and nicknamed "Super Mex" by his staff.
Processing the Data
My father sent me a large spreadsheet that, when graphed, produced the results of the graphs above. These show the results of human heart cells with Long QT3 syndrome given different dose amounts of Mex2A, in micromolar. The graphs' X-axes show the measured time in milliseconds, with measured intervals spaced roughly 30 ms apart. The graphs' Y-axes show the measured intensity - when the heart cells beat, the intensity goes up. One can tell from the graphs that the 100uM dose and 33.333uM dose results do not show any peaks, but the 11.111uM dose shows strikingly regular peaks denoting a heartbeat. When I saw this data, I thought would be neat to make "music" where each peak represented a music measure's bar line, and the tempo of the song would increase or decrease depending on how fast or slow the heart cells beat, respectively.
To turn the heartbeat data into music intervals, I first opened the file in GNU Octave (open-source MATLAB alternative). I first wanted to find the average interval of the 11uM dose beats, because I wanted the average interval's corresponding BPM to be scaled to 120 BPM. After recording the timestamps of all of the important peaks, I made a new array of intervals of unit milliseconds. With those intervals, I could convert the intervals' inverse, in Hz (1 cycle per second). I then converted the intervals' Hz to BPM (beats per minute) by multiplying by 60.
I figured out that the heart cells when given the 11uM dose could beat at about 43.885 BPM normally. In music terms, that tempo is the faster end of "grave". I could normalize the interval BPM's by dividing each value by the average. From here, it was rinse and repeat for the other graphs - The interval data for 3.703uM, 1.2345uM, 0.4115uM, 0.1271uM, and 0uM were all normalized with the same 43.885 BPM value.
%{ Octave code for generating music from heartbeats Victor Mercola MU 3620 2019-12-09 under Prof. Manzo %} pkg load signal; averageInterval = 1367.2; % interval of average heart rate [ms] averageHz = 1 / (1367.2 / 1000); % beats-per-minute of average heart rate [Hz] averageBPM = averageHz * 60; % beats-per-minute of average heart rate [Hz] % disp(averageBPM) %{ 1 beat 1 beat ----- = ------ 1367.2 ms 1.3672 s %} x = csvread("N406K_forMark.csv",1,0); % original file, a csv %{ Mex2A_100uM = transpose(x(:,2)); % Mex2A - 100 uM Mex2A_33_333uM = transpose(x(:,3)); % Mex2A - 33.333 uM Mex2A_11_111uM = transpose(x(:,4)); % Mex2A - 11.111 uM Mex2A_3_703uM = transpose(x(:,5)); % Mex2A - 3.703 uM Mex2A_1_2345uM = transpose(x(:,6)); % Mex2A - 1.2345 uM Mex2A_0_4115uM = transpose(x(:,7)); % Mex2A - 0.4115 uM Mex2A_0_1271uM = transpose(x(:,8)); % Mex2A - 0.1271 uM Mex2A_0uM = transpose(x(:,9)); % Mex2A - 0 uM %} t = transpose(x(:,1)); % time array [ms] Mex2A = [100, 33.333, 11.111, 3.703, 1.2345, 0.4115, 0.1271, 0]; n = 3; % find the peaks in the graph this_row = transpose(x(:,n + 1)); [pks idx] = findpeaks(this_row, "MinPeakHeight",0.015, "MinPeakDistance", 5); % convert those peak values from findpeaks into coordinates peakX = t(idx); peakY = this_row(idx); disp(peakX); f = figure; plot(t, this_row, peakX, peakY, 'x'); axis([min(t), max(t), 0, 0.03]); title(["Intensity of Mex2A=", num2str(Mex2A(n)), "uM"]); xlabel("Time, t [ms]"); ylabel("Intensity"); % calculate peak intervals for i = 2:length(peakX) pkToPkInterval(i - 1) = peakX(i) - peakX(i-1); % time between intervals [ms] end pkToPkHz = 1./(pkToPkInterval / 1000); % interval frequency [Hz] pkToPkBPM = pkToPkHz * 60; % interval frequency [BPM] disp(pkToPkBPM); pkToPkRatio = pkToPkBPM / averageBPM
Playing the data
I could export the data from GNU Octave into Sonic Pi by first pasting it into a simple text editor to format it nicely. Once I made a quick 120 BPM single-measure beat, I could import it into Sonic Pi and change its playback rate in time with the arrays that I generated from GNU Octave.
While Sonic Pi is great for live-coding music, I personally think it's missing a couple of key programming elements. Two examples that are present is this code is for loops with changing variables and not being able to determine the length of an array. I found simple workarounds for both of these, though. I definitely want to see more usage of Sonic Pi in the future.
# Data Sonification with heartbeats # Victor Mercola - MU 3620 # Prof. Manzo, 2019-12-09 doses = [11.111, 3.703, 1.2345, 0.4115, 0.1271, 0] dose = 0 6.times do if(dose == 0) # 11.111 uM dose intervals = [1.00371, 1.00371, 1.00371, 1.00371, 0.98189, 1.00371] n = 6 end if(dose == 1) # 3.703 uM dose intervals = [1.1292, 1.0037, 0.98189, 2.5093, 1.0504, 0.98189, 2.5093, 1.0754, 2.3772] n = 9 end if(dose == 2) # 1.2345 uM dose intervals = [2.5093, 3.7639, 3.7639, 1.1581, 2.5093, 3.7639, 3.7639, 1.1292, 2.6569, 3.7639, 3.7639, 1.1292, 2.5093, 1.0504] n = 14 end if(dose == 3) # 0.4115 uM dose intervals = [2.8229, 0.961, 2.8229, 0.94098, 2.8229, 4.1061, 3.7639, 0.961, 3.0111, 0.94098, 2.8229] n = 11 end if(dose == 4) # 0.1271 uM dose intervals = [4.1061, 4.5167, 1.1016, 0.94098, 2.6569, 4.1061, 5.0185, 4.5167, 5.0185, 4.5167, 5.0185, 4.5167, 4.5167, 4.5167, 4.5167, 4.5167, 4.5167, 4.1061, 4.1061, 4.5167, 1.1292] n = 21 end if(dose == 5) # 0 uM dose intervals = [5.0185, 4.5167, 5.0185, 5.0185, 4.5167, 5.0185, 4.5167, 4.5167, 1.1886, 1.0037, 2.6569, 4.5167, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.6459, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.0185, 5.0185, 4.5167, 5.0185, 5.0185, 4.5167] n = 26 end # Here's where the actual music happens i = 0 n.times do puts(doses[dose],"uM") puts(intervals[i]) sample "D:/OneDrive/Documents/GNU Octave/quick drum loop v2.wav", rate:intervals[i] wait 2 * (1 / intervals[i]) i = i + 1 end dose = dose + 1 wait 1 end
End Result
The first result of the project only had a simple drum pattern as a base loop and was used as a proof-of-proof-of-concept. I sent the results to my father and his staff and he said that they really liked it. After talking with him about it, I added a simple bass to the bass loop, which made it sound slightly better.
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Would nightcore, speedcore, and/or extratone music with arrhythmic heart patterns actually sound like a good music genre? Probably not, but I think it's a pretty effective tool for comparing the control and expected-dosage results of Mex2A.
This part will be updated once I finish continuing this project over break. If my father's paper on this is published, I'll definitely leave a link here. Stay tuned!