Nathan Rose Final Project

From vjmedia

Throughout this course I've found that the audio manipulation and really most of the technical parts of this course have come fairly naturally. By this point I feel confident in most of what has been covered. That's not to say that I've been having an easy time however. As much as I can handle the tech, I have no musical background and honestly have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to anything melodic. So instead of focusing on the tech side of things, I thought that I'd try to start to get into the music and try my hand at some composition. For my final project I'm going to produce some variety of original pieces, and try to start to get a feel composition. I know that this isn't exactly an exiting or ambitious goal, but despite not really having much of a musical mindset, I really wanted to try my hand at this and possibly come out with more of an understanding of and appreciation for music in general.


-Mac or PC

Media:Video About the Song-esque Things.mp4

Media:A Song Inspired Thing.mp3

Media:Another Thing That is Like a Song.mp3