Mu final Project - Shanshan Xie

From vjmedia

Music Remix - Creator: Shanshan Xie

Original Music - by Mayday

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This project is composed by 6 music instruments.

1. pipa

This is recorded as midi file from an electronic piano. And then changed to Chinese lute - Pipa

What is pipa? The pipa (Chinese: 琵琶; pinyin: pípa) is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, belonging to the plucked category of instruments. Sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12 to 26. Another Chinese four-string plucked lute is the liuqin, which looks like a smaller version of the pipa.

2. Grand Piano

This is recorded as midi from electronic piano. The music sheet is found on-line

3. Gitar

Music sample + Random creation

4. Saxophone

Recored from piano and changed to Orchestral - Saxophone

5. Drum

Every clip is recorded as a midi file from electronic drum

6. Bass

Music Sample

NOTICE: I adjusted some of the notes after recording in order to improve the project.