MU2300 Final Project Zaq Humphrey

From vjmedia

I have two possible projects I want to do, and will specify when I am completely sure. I intend to create a techno song inspired by Monstercat (musical artist that can be found on youtube) and replicate the timbre and sound that a typical monstercat song might have. My other project would be to create a new undertale-inspired (video game) song that would feel at home with the other songs in the game. I am more inclined towards the undertale project. Some skills I know are compression and EQ to help me get the timbre and sounds that I am looking for, and some skills I want to learn are more in depth plugins that would help me create that undertale environment. I plan to learn the skills through messing around with ableton as well as looking at online tutorials and websites. The deliverable will be an audio recording. Several days a week in 2 hour blocks time was spent on this project.

Since writing the original project description, I found it much harder to create the type of songs I wanted before, and found myself slowly creating a pokemon battle type of song.


Project Video Presentation:

File:2022-04-28 11-37-31.mp4
