Holiday Bangers
"Holiday Bangers": Your favorite club hits with a festive twist!
In the music industry, Christmas albums are some of the most glossed over works in our popular music ecosystem. After asking lots of people I lived with, they commented that most Christmas music is too cheesy or lacks relevance in a new millennium. With "Holiday Bangers," I aim to address some of these issues presented by my peers. In a nutshell, this remix compilation intends to replace the melodies to the drops of popular club tunes with the melodies of popular yuletide carols. This will be done while retaining the timbres of the original dance track.
Before starting Topics in Digital Sound, my skill-set as a producer was centered mainly in the recording realm, and less so in sound design. MIDI instrumentation, complex DAW arrangements, and interactivity were things that I did not have as much of a grip on. Thanks to this course however, my expertise in these weak subjects has been expanded significantly. In order to make "Holiday Bangers" a reality, I exercised these newfound skills, mainly the first two, in order to create entertaining remixes that sound true the original songs while incorporating yuletide melodies during the drops in the songs. The release is an EP-length production with 3 remixes.
In conclusion, I'm very excited to share "Holiday Bangers" with everyone: Coming to a used sedan, internet video, or dorm room near you!
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Below are the finished audio files
Jingle Bells vs. Take Ü There
Carol of the Bells vs. You Know You Like It
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas vs. Lean On