Composing With MIDI

From vjmedia

Before this class, I had no experience using any DAW, or how hard music technology could be. I didn't realize that the music we listen to, the special effects, and the different sound techniques are all thanks to music technology. There are so many components to it. For my final, I decided to make two short original compositions using Ableton Live. Thanks to this class, I was able to understand how to use this software and the different components it offers. I made a melody and manually transferred it to Ableton, because I didn't have a MIDI soundboard and tried to play around with the different effects and instrumentation. I did have many challenges because this was all new to me. I especially had a hard time composing a short melody. I had a hard time trying to figure out what instrument would suit my music. Though this final was challenging, I did learn a lot about Ableton itself and how important music is, as it could make or break a scene. The final will include a short video of how I did my project as well as audios with example clips.

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