Video Game Soundtrack

From vjmedia
Revision as of 01:04, 16 October 2020 by Atmassari (talk | contribs)

Amaya Massari: For my MU 2300 Final Project I created a short video game soundtrack. I wanted my soundtrack to pair well with a story-mode futuristic pc game. Each track has a different sound because each of these places describe different locations and points in the game. Some tracks are more relaxed and reverbed to give the feeling of being in a large abandoned room while one is pumping synth wave music that mimics being at an underground rave, and another is a dark toned track that is supposed to imply the feeling of uncertainty and danger. Even though each track features a different place all of their overall vibes are lo-fi. The soundtrack is best played on headphones like a pc player would most typically listen to it. To create the sounds I used Ableton Live and sampled from a Cymatics sample pack. I also used some of the samples inside of Ableton along with reverb, eq and resonance to create a specific sound.