Makeshift Multisampler

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Revision as of 17:46, 15 April 2015 by Jmcgowanmartin (talk | contribs)
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The Makeshift Multisampler is a simple utility for creating an instrument. It allows users to record their own audio from any source, to make it playable with a keyboard. The interface features a help box, which displays information about any object the mouse is over.

The sampler automatically segments incoming audio into discrete samples by cutting them when the sound level gets below a threshold set by the user. Each of these samples is then sent through an array of filters, each tuned to a specific frequency (corresponding to a musical note). By analyzing the relative pitches of each output, the pitch of each sample is determined. The samples are then playable.

Note input is through typing on the computer keyboard, clicking on an onscreen keyboard, or playing on an external MIDI controller. If a note is played for which there is no sample, the closest sample will be determined and repitched to match the query.

Future uses for this project involve using Max for Live to incorporate the sampler into a digital workstation environment.

A short video overview of the project:

The media player is loading...

The Max patch itself:

Zip File