MU3620 Final Project Ryan Kornitsky

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Revision as of 22:54, 16 December 2022 by Rtkornitsky (talk | contribs)

Code: File:Mu3620 final project RK.wav This project uses three main topics that we've learned this term: randomness, mapping, and interactivity. I wanted to create ambient music but have it tell a story and not have it simply be background noise. I also wanted to include actual sounds found in nature and have the melody model those sounds as well. For the accompaniment ambient music, the story I wanted to tell was a journey climbing up a mountain. First, the character starts off in a vast open field where there are a lot of birds chirping. Then he begins to enter a forest and pass by a river while crunching down on the leaves. Upon his journey up the mountain, it starts to lightly rain which transitions into a thunderstorm. Finally, when he reaches the top of the mountain, it begins to snow. The character gets cold as the wind picks up and nightfall rises, so he starts a fire and starts to fall asleep hearing a wolf howl and owls howling in the background. The piano melody I chose closely maps the character's journey. For example, when the rain is about to start falling, the melody starts to gradually fall and trickle which models and mocks the upcoming rainfall. When the rain begins to die down, the character hikes up the last leg of the mountain to the top and the melody rises up and up at random intervals. At the end of the song when the fire starts, the melody becomes increasingly quieter as the fire begins to die down and the character falls asleep. These are just a few examples.