Kara Giordano MU3620 Final - ERGOFLUX

From vjmedia
Revision as of 22:49, 15 December 2023 by Ksgiordano (talk | contribs)

Hello! This is my final project for MU 3620, a piece titled ERGOFLUX. I created it in LMMS 1.3 Alpha, using stock instruments (with the exception of a piano VST) and effects applied to them. This is heavily inspired by the works of Halley Labs, as I really enjoy their music, and they maintain a sample + resources library that I used in this project, such as the kicks. The piece is probably my favorite that I've ever made (so far), and I personally really enjoy the contrast of the loud, hardcore inspired sections with the softer, more ambient sections. Making the soft section and coming up with more motives to use was challenging, though I did get much better at it. If you want more info/have questions (or just want to chat!) my email is ksgiordano@wpi.edu

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