Ethan Knight Final Project Album D21

From vjmedia
Revision as of 04:05, 12 May 2021 by Eeknight (talk | contribs)

Hello all and welcome to Ethan Knight's MU2300, better known as Foundations of music Technology, final project! For my final I decided to create an album showcasing skills I learned through the class in Ableton live: File:Final Project Track 1.wav The second song is entirely original, has a laid back feel and is in the general style of hip hop/hyper pop. The skills demonstrated by this piece is a general knowledge of composition, equalization, automation, dynamics, and effects. The third song is also entirely original, and has a tone similar and feel to boss music from a game like Undertale. The skills displayed by this song are a general knowledge of composition, equalizers, automation, and balancing voices. The fourth song is more of an after thought. It is the third song, but much quicker, giving its main chorus sections a really interesting new feel. This was discovered while I was going through the second song and getting it to how I wanted it to sound.