Elijah Eldredge - Robotic Electronic Serenity

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Inspired by my Robotics Engineering 2001 class, this project is a compilation of several of the composing techniques that we have used this term. This arrangement is a audio sampling of my robot orbiting the final course of the project overlaid onto several mapped and MIDI data inputs. As the robot progresses through its stages, it is outputting numbers for sensor values and using them to navigate the course. What I did was mapped these numbers to an Ohs and Ahs MAX file. Followed by an addition of MIDI piano and a chord accompaniment for the outputted numbers, the piece came out so sound very space-age and blissful. My favorite is the bass-y tone that is actually created by the position of my robotic arm as it progresses through the course, only sped up. Using a whole series of Serial.prints on the Arduino I compiled a list of data and played it, similar to the bacteria.txt file. Overall, I think the feel of the piece is very calming and would be something that could be used in a sleep track or a quiet part of a game.