Virtual Theremin
Virtual Theremin Project for my Fundamentals of Music Technology Class Virtual Theremin created in python that tracks the coordinate of your hand and uses that information to change the frequency, amplitude and offset of a sine wave creating a sound similar to a Theremin. The program tracks your hand in relation to the screen as well as the distance between your index and thumb and moves that information to a outside software to create the sound.
Below is a demonstration of the project
How to use virtual theramin: - load up in any compiler, I use pycharm for my example make sure to have all imports downloaded as well - Launch application Wekinator(online software that trains a model to connect inputs to outputs) - make sure that the port number for Wek is 6448, inputs is 3, outputs is 3, and the output port is 12000 - then go file -> open project - load in WekinatorProjectFinal.wekproj - launch processing_FMSynth_3ContinousOutputs - run the HandTrackingMin file and enjoy :-)