GameCube Controller to MIDI - Connor McLaughlin
Mapping GameCube Controller to MIDI Drums
I mapped my GameCube controller to MIDI drums for use on my laptop. I tried two different approaches to do this, one making use of Ableton Live and the Computer MIDI Keyboard option, and the other using a max patch alongside digital MIDI drivers to make use of Addicting Drums. For both of these implementations, I had to use a GameCube to USB adapter and configure the requisite Windows drivers for my GameCube controller inputs to show up. From there, I re-mapped each of the GameCube inputs to different keys using JoyToKey. For the simpler, Ableton implementation, I just had to map the controller buttons to the keyboard row a-l as well as keys w-y, which Ableton maps to different MIDI notes automatically. From there I just connected a MIDI drumkit. For the Addicting Drums adaptation, I had to write a max-patch (attached as a zip below) to remap the keyboard inputs from JoyToKey to specific MIDI pitches which correspond to different drumkit sounds. I then used a digital MIDI driver (ipMIDI) to connect my MIDI output from max to addicting drums.