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Revision as of 21:24, 27 September 2014 by (talk) (What do you do? writing a review essay We’d travelled to Hydra by hydrofoil from the port of Piraeus, close to Athens. Whereas in A)

What do you do? writing a review essay We’d travelled to Hydra by hydrofoil from the port of Piraeus, close to Athens. Whereas in Athens there had been an air of desperation – on the bus from the airport to the port we rarely passed an apartment block, restaurant or hotel not for sale, and the shops that were still open for business all sported knock-down sale signs – Hydra positively pulsed with life. We arrived at 10pm but the jewellery shops, which line Hydra Town’s horseshoe-shaped harbour, were all open – and with good reason; they were all doing a brisk trade.