From vjmedia
Deep Harmony is a machine learning project for creating harmonies based on a given melody.
Currently, Deep Harmony is learning to mimic the behavior of Bach Chorales created by David Cope.
Integrating Deep Harmony into a Max Patch
Deep Harmony could be used to create real-time music in Max/MSP. Other people have already created ways to run Python code in Max/MSP pyext (not actively maintained) Embedding Jython in Max (probably not what we want)
Recommended skills:
- Basic Python programming
- Familiarity with Max/MSP
- Patience for figuring out installation/configuration issues
Getting Deep Harmony set up on your computer
All project files and resources are located in this git repository:
It can be downloaded as a .zip file or cloned as a repository.
- Jupyter Notebook, an interactive programming environment and editor (necessary for using the .ipynb files)
- Python 3.5, and the following libraries:
- numpy and matplotlib (they are packaged in Anaconda, and we recommend installing it that way)
- music21, for processing music data
- tqdm, for nice progress bars
- Keras, a deep learning library. We recommend installing it with the Theano backend, but the code should work with the TensorFlow backend as well.
- musescore 2+, for allowing music21 to render music as pictures
WPI Student contributors
Sam Khalandovsky
Ezra Davis