Electronic Music Composition 2014

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Revision as of 14:03, 15 October 2014 by Csglynn (talk | contribs) (Final Projects)

Electronic Music Composition

Course files for Electronic Music Composition

Final Projects

Student Name Demo Video Piece

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Another Student Name Demo Audio Piece The media player is loading...

Benjamin Duncan Time Traveler Jepsen The media player is loading...

Tyler Morrow Button Mashing The media player is loading...

Jayson Corey Attack on Lorde https://my.wpi.edu/webapps/assignment/download?course_id=_66682_1&attempt_id=_1169649_1&file_id=_617892_1&fileName=Final_AttackOnLorde.wav

Paul Raynes Slam Warriors The media player is loading...

Will Frick Stayin' Remixed The media player is loading...

Adam Karcs Demon Doges The media player is loading...

Matthew Barreiro Make It Bun Dem (Rework) The media player is loading...

Zitai huang Undead enemy (Remix) The media player is loading...

Gareth Solbeck In Control (Max Patcher)

Presentation view

Editing view


To use the patcher, copy the text and paste it into Max. This patcher requires an XBox controller and the Controller driver available here.

Joshua Donovan Best of You (Remix) The media player is loading...

Ali Fuat Becan' Dance Glitch

This is my last composition for the course as my MU362X Final Project. I first composed a dance song, repeating a pattern; then, I kick in a glitch to manipulate the entire audio chaotically, therefore creating an indirect reference to Glitch music genre. The media player is loading...

Collin Glynn Rain Music Maker The media player is loading...
