File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:43, 7 December 2021 Infinite Fields -- Devin Patel.wav (file) 24.36 MB Composed for This piece drew inspiration from the soundtracks of open-world games like Grounded and Minecraft, using large, dense string... 1
21:47, 7 December 2021 Infinite Fields -- Devin Patel.mp3 (file) 4.05 MB Composed for This piece drew inspiration from the soundtracks of open-world games like Grounded and Minecraft, using large, dense string... 1
10:30, 14 December 2021 EMC TRUE FINAL.mp3 (file) 8.29 MB 1:00 AM the day before the presentation I decided, right as I finished the project, to scrap it all and start over from scratch because I didn't like the song. Thus, this was written from 1AM to 5AM Tuesday morning. I don't know what I'm doing with my... 1